Sunday, October 11, 2020

The King's Daughters Writing Camp Fall 2020

   Yipee, yahoo, and all the other exclamations of delight! The King's Daughters Writing Camp (also abbreviated as KDWC) is back, this time for autumn. I had a wonderful time participating in its July camp (read about it here) and meeting likeminded Christian writers. This virtual camp is for ladies only, and each participant must agree to the terms and statement of faith. Each writer can set their own goal, and can write as much or as little as they want. The ladies are fun and encouraging, and we've definitely had some remarkable conversations. *laughs in remembrance*

   This is an excellent opportunity for Christian writers both young and old to get together to make friends, encourage and pray for each other, ask for advice, and share their stories and goals. The gates have been open since October 1st, but the official camp hasn't started yet. It'll begin on the 15th and end on November 15th (thought the gates will remain open until November 30th). You can find information about it at their website. Looking forward to writing stories this autumn!


  1. This post is so fun! I loved your "Yipee, yahoo, and all the other exclamations of delight!" 😊
    Can't wait to hear more about your writing project(s)! Best wishes as you work on it (or them) this autumn! 💙

  2. MARTHA!! I absolutely adore your new header. 😍 It is so beautiful!


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