Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Changes and a Special Surprise

    I'm back! And I believe an apology for my absence is in order. I meant to post, but life happened, and I'm sure all of us know how that is. :) But this also means I've stockpiled on things to post about! So this time, I have at least three things to mention. Hang tight!

   Ah, yes, an announcement first. As you can see, I've made a change to my blog. The new header!! As a warning, I may or may not keep the background as it is. I'm still deciding. For now, it'll stay, but I'm not promising that you will find the background the same when you next visit. That old header was sweet, but I really like the new one myself, so I think I'll keep it. :) Do you like it? Also, I have made a "Behind the Blogger" page where you can see more information about me. I hope to put up a page about my works-in-progress, but that'll take a little more work, so bear with me. 

   And now for the surprise! I have begun my graphic design journey, which means . . . I get to make my own book covers! *tosses confetti every which way* I'm excited about this because I delight in fiddling with photos and fonts and shading to make it look just right. So once I finally decide I am satisfied with the cover for it, I may end up doing a book cover reveal for a new Christmas short story I'm working on, called Millie's Miracle. I am really liking how this story's turning out, and I have a secret hope (which isn't secret anymore, since I'm sharing it with you) that I might be able to finish, edit, and publish it by this Christmas! I haven't gotten a single book published yet, so that would be huge for me. I'll just work on it and see where the Lord leads.

   I know this is a short post, but I am cutting it short because I have other things I want to mention at a later date.

WARNING: This blog is technically still under construction, so if you see things disappear, reappear, or move someplace else, that's why. :)



  1. I'm so excited for all the above!! ^_^ Especially the header, the About page, and the potential new book! *cheers*
    Thanks for sharing! <3

    1. Your comments make my day, Ellen! Thanks so much! I'm excited about the new book, too. I've only just started writing it, so I don't know if I'll get done in time, but I'll sure try!!

  2. I like your new header. Your book sounds interesting!


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