Sunday, June 27, 2021

One-year Anniversary Q&A!


  I have had this blog for exactly one year now. How crazy is that? It feels like I'm still so new to blogging, yet I've been doing it for a year already! Read my first post here. I was still very, very amateur, and had no idea how to format the blog post, use URLs (you can imagine how excited I was when I figured out how simple it was!), and fix the blog background so everything wasn't all just. plain. red. Yes, I'd definitely say I've learned how to manage my blog a bit better than I could that first day I posted. ;P

   Since that first post this day last year, I have written over 80 posts, received over 400 comments, had over 6,500 blog views (woot woot!), and gotten some amazing followers (14 blogger, and I-don't-know-how-many email followers). A big thank-you to all you people who take the time to listen to my ramblings and read the posts of this little blog. 

   Anyway, for my one-year blog anniversary, I'm going to steal an idea I got from various other bloggers and do a Q&A. If you have any questions to ask me, comment below! (However, I reserve the right to not answer it if I feel like it's too personal or something.) I'm going to be busy for the next little while, but I'll try to put up the answers sometime after all the Independence Day hustle and bustle is over. I'd love to see what you come up with!


  1. What's your favorite thing about having a blog? - Charis
    P.S. I found your blog through Susan K. Marlow's sidebar and enjoy your posts a lot!

    1. Aw, thank you for your sweet comment, Charis. <3 It encourages me to know you enjoy my posts.

  2. This is very cool! What inspired you to start your blog?

  3. What are your favorite blog post/series of related posts that you've done?

  4. Congratulations! I can't believe it's already been a whole year since you started this blog. 😱 I've definitely enjoyed following along and reading all your posts! Your little corner of the web is so fun and a bright spot in my day. 😄
    A few questions (you can omit any that feel too personal):
    1. How many siblings do you have?
    2. Have you finished writing "Going Ballistic" yet? (I'm dying to read more of that story!) 😁
    3. Can you listen to music while you write? Do you like to?
    4. Favorite TV show?
    5. What's one meal you could eat every day for a straight week and not grow tired of it?
    6. When/how did you discover you liked to write?
    7. Favorite Bible verse?
    8. Favorite color?
    9. Favorite book of all-time? 😉
    10. Paper or computer?
    11. LEAST favorite food of all-time?
    12. Favorite font to use?

    That's all I have for now, but I might come back with more questions later. 😉 I look forward to seeing your answers!

  5. What’s the biggest thing having a blog taught you?


If your comment doesn't show up immediately, don't worry. It'll be up as soon as I approve it.