Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Avid Readers Award Tag

    This time I am doing The Avid Readers Award Tag! This one looks like a lot of fun! Without further ado, here goes:


1. Display the blog award logo on your blog. Got it!

2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you. Many thanks, Abby!

3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website. Of course; go here to see it.

4. List your 5 favorite books.

5. Answer all the questions they have given you.

6. Nominate 4 bloggers of your choice.

7. Ask them 10 questions.

Five Favorite Books:

Um, just five?! Well, I'll try. Uhhhh . . . *crickets become audible* Umm . . . okay. Let's do this. I'll say five of my top favorite books are:

-The Raider's Promise by Lois Walfrid Johnson

-I Love Thee by Faith Blum

-More Tales From Memory Creek Ranch by Susan K. Marlow

-The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

-A Threat and a Promise by Angie Thompson

And that's just a few!


1. What classic book character are you too much like? Oh goodness. Uhhh, depends on your definition of "classic." Well, off the top of my head, I am a lot like Melinda from Susan K. Marlow's Circle C series. But if you're meaning from a book that basically everyone has heard of, I'd say I'm a bit similar to Jane from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. 

2. What's a quote from a book that gets stuck in your head, even if it doesn't make sense? Oo-o-o-oh, yes! In one of my works-in-progress (a book still being written), one of the characters, a strange, overdramatic old hermit, squeals when he's pinned to the ground: “Get-Get him off! He’s going to kill me!” Though whenever my siblings and I quote it, we change it up a bit and say in a high-pitched pathetic voice, "He's killing me! He's killing me!"

3. Tell me your feelings on e-books. While I prefer physical books, I don't really mind e-books at all. I read them a fair amount, and the way they keep your spot is handy. The main issue I have is simply that they aren't as portable, and you have to keep it charged in order to simply read the book.

4. Is there a genre you used to love, but now don't like as well? Hmm. I'm not sure. If I had to choose one, I'd say those short, for-a-really-little-kid books that don't really have any storyline and are basically a bunch of random sentences thrown together. (Feel free to disagree with me if you want, but I think they are boring.)

5. What are some of the first books you remember reading? There's a lot of those. I knew how to read a little when I was five, I think, and I remember reading a lot at a fairly young age. I read stuff like Corduroy, Amelia Bedelia, The Berenstain Bears, Winnie-the-Pooh, The Little Engine That Could, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, etc.

6. How do you organize your bookshelves? By series, favorites, most-frequently-read, my-little-sister-is-probably-going-to-ask-to-read-this-so-let-me-put-it-out-in-front, and size. It varies. Technically my "bookshelf" is not even a real bookshelf . . . it's a wire crate.

7. What is your favorite theme for books to have? Christian books in which the main characters have been through a lot but are still able to find love (so, sometimes a touch of romance, so long as it's clean) and happiness.

8. Have you ever stayed up much later than you mean to reading? If so, what book were you reading? I used to do that all the time. I can honestly say, though, that I almost never stay up late reading books anymore. At least not in bed. The last late-night book-reading I can think of was around a week ago, maybe, and I stayed up past my bedtime to finish A Mighty Fortress, by Faith Blum. I was so close to the ending. And my staying-up-to-read-it proved worthwhile. It's a good book with clear Christian values, but definitely for a more mature audience.

9. If you could trade places with a fictional character for a day, who would you trade with? Oooh, this is an exciting question! I would like to trade with a character from another of my works-in-progress, Millie's Miracle. I'd like to give my two sweet, sad main characters a hug.

10. Do you read the acknowledgements, character lists, author's notes, etc. at the front of books? I often do. Unless they are super long and I am very eager to just get on with the story.

And now onto the nominations. I nominate KatjaLillyFaith, and Rebekah! If you haven't been nominated but would like to be, feel free to steal this tag!

Your ten questions:

1. What is the weirdest book you've ever read?

2. Who would you say is your #1 favorite character of all time, and who is your #1 least favorite character?

3. What is at least one book which you wish you could change the ending of?

4. Have you ever cried over a book? If so, which one(s) was it?

5. What is your favorite book that has been made into a motion picture? If you can't think of any, give your favorite motion picture which you know was made off a book, even if you've never read it.

6. If you could travel into a story, which character(s) would you want to meet the most?

7. Have you ever read a book which has a character strangely similar to you? If so, which character and book was it?

8. Who is your favorite bad-guy-turned-good-guy character?

9. What is your favorite genre?

10. What are some books that have covers you really like?

Well, that was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed doing it (which was a lot). 


  1. Martha, your posts are always so much fun to read!! And I love those questions . . . I may have to answer some (or all) of them along with Abby's when I do this tag. :)
    And...yay! You've read the second Tales book! Do you have a favorite story from the collection?
    Thanks for sharing! <3

    1. Thanks, Ellen. And please do! I'd love to see your answers to my questions on your post for this tag!

      Yes, I've read the second Tales. :) My favorites are "Spector From the Past" (I think that's what it's called?) and "San Francisco Surprise."

    2. Ah, great choices! "San Francisco Surprise" is one of my favorites from the book as well. ;)

  2. Thanks for the tag!! It was fun to do :)

  3. 1. What is the weirdest book you've ever read?
    Definitely the "Scarlet Letter". It was....interesting.

    2. Who would you say is your #1 favorite character of all time, and who is your #1 least favorite character?
    Favorite...Andi Carter. Least favorite...Conrad Burke. That guy makes me so mad.

    3. What is at least one book which you wish you could change the ending of?
    I'm not sure.

    4. Have you ever cried over a book? If so, which one(s) was it?

    5. What is your favorite book that has been made into a motion picture? If you can't think of any, give your favorite motion picture which you know was made off a book, even if you've never read it.
    Little Women (2019).
    6. If you could travel into a story, which character(s) would you want to meet the most?
    Andi Carter.

    7. Have you ever read a book which has a character strangely similar to you? If so, which character and book was it?
    None so far.
    8. Who is your favorite bad-guy-turned-good-guy character?
    I don't know.

    9. What is your favorite genre?
    Christian, contemporary.

    10. What are some books that have covers you really like?
    "The Whispers God Gives" and the original "Promise's Prayer" cover.

    This was fun to do, Martha! Thanks for tagging me!

    1. Ooh, thanks, Lilly, for taking the time to do this! In accordance to your answer for #5, I'd say the 2017 BBC version of Little Women is right up at the top for me. :)

    2. I relate to sooo many of your answers, Lilly! The Scarlet Letter was indeed quite *interesting,* to say the least. And thanks for mentioning my book. 😍

  4. Oh, fun, Martha!!!! I really enjoyed reading your answers and your questions!!! :D
    Okay, so, I'm just gonna go ahead and break the rules to answer your eighth question (I wasn't going to comment and answer these, but I knew I was sunk when I saw #8 :P). See, bad-guy-turned-good-guy characters are some of my all-time favorites. Hence why over half of my story ideas tend to have a thief, assassin, bad revolutionary, etc. that turned to the good side in them somewhere. Actually, in my current WIP, pretty much every major character is/has been some form of "bad guy." Except for the one--nevermind, she's a computer hacker.
    But--back to what I was originally saying. :D I'm gonna break the rules and say the MC from my favorite (*gasp!*) movie (though the movie would make an awesome book), Beyond the Mask. Will Reynolds, former mercenary who has an incredible character arc and has a solid place among my favorite characters. <3

    1. Glad you like my questions! :) I have a soft spot for characters who undergo character development . . . especially if it was a bad guy who couldn't ignore the their caring side and/or conscience.

      I've never seen Beyond the Mask. I have probably too many favorite bad-guy-turned-good-guy characters to list off. Haha.


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