Monday, September 21, 2020

Notable Events

    Hey, I'm back! Many apologies for waiting so long, but the obligations of school have begun their annual consumption of time. That said, maybe I should try to write up multiple posts during free time and then schedule them for the weekdays?

   Not many things have happened recently . . . except a funny story which took place this last Lord's Day (yesterday). The church we are going to is holding their  services outside (legally, of course). The rain had been holding off, but a foreboding chill was in the air, promising that it would not remain dry for long. 

   And, well, it didn't. I had noticed some small stray droplets falling here and there, so I can't say I was really surprised when a sudden downpour startled people into opening umbrellas, flipping up their jacket hoods, or holding up a book or board of some kind above their head. A few people rushed to cover the equipment, while a few hardy souls sat calmly in their chairs, watching the commotion and making no move to shield themselves from the wet onslaught. I was among those who calmly retrieved an umbrella . . . though my doing so was mostly because I just wanted to hold one, not really because I cared so much about getting wet. I love rain. The other day, it was pouring at our house, so I ran outside in bare feet and began splashing the water in the puddles every which way, not minding that my hems were being soaked. (Yes, that's me. *grin*)

   Did you know that the Bible speaks of rain numerous times, and not just during its recounting of the Great Flood? Psalm 135:5-7 says:

For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; Who makes lightnings for the rain, Who brings forth the wind from His treasuries.

   If you are like me, you do not like high winds, nor are you very fond of lightning. Big winds, especially, make me nervous. But this verse says God makes the lightning and the wind is from His treasuries? You know, I don't think I've really thought about that verse until right now, as I am typing this. Hmm. God is in control of the winds, because they come from Him. I need to remember that next time I'm in bed listening to the wind!

What's been happening with you? Do you like rain? What about wind? (Haha.) And could you help me out bit? For those of you who do follow/read my blog, do you have any extra suggestions for blog posts? I figure I have a generally wide variety of posts, but if you've got another idea of what you'd enjoy seeing, maybe I'll add it to the list!




  1. Hi Martha!
    I lovee reading your blog.
    I love the rain too, and high winds, I can live without. (Haha)
    are you still doing: Going Ballistic. ?
    (Or just don't have time? School and everything, I know. It's hard.)
    Maybe it would be a good thing to make them in your free time then schedule.
    Just wanted you to know that I love what you write (OOPS.) I mean type about.
    (People enjoy reading what YOU have to say.) (I MEAN TYPE!)
    Haha, Thanks Martha.
    Have a good day!

    1. Aw, that means so much to me, Live4God! I'm pleased as punch that people enjoy reading it. Sometimes I wonder if there's even that many people who visit my blog. So your comment means a lot. :)

      I am still working on Going Ballistic, but I am not sure how many more snippets I'll put up. Because if I put up the entire story, people won't need to buy the book once it's finished cause they could just read it all for free here on my blog! I was thinking I might stop with the snippets soon, but perhaps I should add just a wee bit more before cutting it off? *wink*

    2. YES, YOU SHOULD!!! (pleeeeeaaaase??) 😍😍😍

    3. Temping, tempting. I may just do so.

  2. So fun!! Your stories (true or fiction) always make for an enjoyable read. :)
    Your post reminds me of the song "Indescribable" by Christian artist Laura Story. Have you ever heard it?

    1. It's so sweet of you to say so! I'm glad. :)

      Yes, I've heard that one, though not necessarily by Laura Story. I've even sung it myself. Beautiful song.

    2. Yes, it was originally written by Laura Story, and sung by Chris Tomlin and who knows how many others. :)

    3. Oh, whoops! I thought you meant it was sung by her. :) It's a good song!

    4. Well, there is a version sung by her, but it's not the only one out there. :)


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