Thursday, December 17, 2020

Favorite Authors & Books #8: A Snow-Globe World

    Okay, I know this is not for the 10 Days of Christmas, but I ha-a-ave to gush about this book to you all, so here goes.

 A Snow-Globe World 

Snow-Globe World by [Chelsea Burden]

   I recently (like, two days ago) read this and oh. my. goodness! It's one of the most beautiful Christmas stories I've ever read! It's sweet, encouraging, oh-so-Christmasy, and very clear in presenting the message of what Christmas really is. And that cover . . . just . . . *delighted sigh*

   It was written by a special writer-friend of mine, Chelsea Burden, so I was super excited to read it. And it did not fail my expectations. In fact, it surpassed them. It's well-written and engaging. And creative! I've never read a book quite like that. Oh, and not to mention the very eloquent wording.

Sensitive content: none (that I'd caution on)

Age recommendation: 8 or 9+ (basically, all ages)

My rating: 5 stars

And guess what! You can get the story for FREE all of this week, so hop on over here and get it, if you can!!


  1. Lovely review!! I downloaded this book on my Kindle this morning and can't wait to start reading. :)

    1. Oh, I re-e-eally enjoyed it! Tell me what you think of it!

  2. Martha! You are such a sweet girl and a sweet friend! Thank you so much for your lovely post and your kind words! Hugs, girl!

    1. Same sentiment to you as well, Chels! You did a beautiful job with your story!

  3. I am reading this tonight and I can't wait!


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