Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Few Fall Pictures

     As the title implies, this will mostly include pictures, as was promised in the previous post. It will be short, but hopefully enjoyable. 

Mmm . . . hot chocolate with all the mini marshmallows.

My latest baking escapade.
(They actually turned out good.)

🎵And the rain rain rain came down, down, down. . . 🎵

I remember a silly little poem I wrote quite a few years ago (like, when I was really little and an aspiring poet. I still am, but *smiles* let's just say I don't write quite like this anymore). 


   By Martha

God made leaves 

Who fall from trees and fly;

Then land on the ground

Then shrivel and die.

I love those leaves:

Brown, orange, and red;

I love them and can't 

Bear to see them dead. 


  1. Delightful! <3 I love all the pictures, and the poem. :)

    1. ;D I rediscovered that poem with some others in a box of papers and drawings from my "little kid days." You should hear some of my other silly little ditties. I used to think I wanted to publish them in a book. Not so much anymore . . . some of them are too goofy!


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