Monday, October 5, 2020

Favorite Authors & Books #5 / Classics Pt. 2 / Five Fall Favorites


   This post is going to be a multi-informational one. First, I'll kill two swans with one stone (sorry, that was probably a terrible joke) and tell about a favorite classic book of mine. Then I'll tell about five more books . . . and a fun event happening right now. Without further ado:

Second post of my favorite "classic" books! I don't expect that too many of these will be new to you (after all, these are classics), but I'd like to put these books up on the stage, all the same. Probably one of my favorite kids' classics is . . . 


   Written by the well-known E. B. White, this book is about a family of trumpeter swans with a rather interesting problem. They are pleased as can be when their babies hatch, but they find, to their horror, that one of their sons, a young swan named Louis, cannot do what trumpeters swans are known for . . . trumpeting! How is Louis to attract a mate if he is mute? After many adventures, including going to school and learning how to read, Louis's father steals a brass trumpet, in hopes it may be the answer to his son's handicap. Could it be the key to winning the heart of Serena, a beautiful female swan, with whom Louis has fallen in love?

   This book is so fun! I really enjoy these kid books that have interesting dilemmas, fun characters, and just the right amount of humor. It is so fun, and perfect for those who like great books written by people with a great imagination.

Sensitive content: none (expect romance between the swans)

Age recommendation: 8+

My rating: 4 stars

   Wait, don't leave yet! I haven't finished my post yet. I mentioned that a certain event is going on . . . Five Fall Favorites! It's a fun stay at Literary Lodge, starting today and going to Saturday, October 10th. There's a grand prize giveaway, and a bunch of authors each will be posting their five favorite books in accordance with each genre of the day. For example, today's genre is "Vintage." And in accordance, though I am not officially participating, I will give my own five favorite vintage books! I will try to make these as "vintage" as possible. So here they are:

1. Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott

I enjoyed this book, which I hadn't ever even heard of before a few months ago. It can get slightly serious at times (like a character having to deal with drinking & gambling habits), so I personally wouldn't recommend it as a kids' book. However, as a bit older of an audience who also happens to enjoy stories with a feel similar to Jane Austen or L. M. Montgomery, I liked it quite a lot. A lot of character development occurs, and despite all the drama, the characters grow and learn in their relationships. Also . . . spoiler! Mac is the absolute best character. Better than Charlie. Better than Archie. Yes–even better than Phebe or Rose. And I will not be dissuaded from this.

Sensitive content: romance, some mentions of smoking and drinking, some intense scenes, one kiss (barely described)

Age recommendation: 12+ 

My rating: 5 stars

2. Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

Who doesn't like this book? Such a classic, so fun, and definitely one of my most favorite "vintage" books!

Sensitive content: none (that I'd caution on)

Age recommendation: 9 or 10+

My rating: 4 stars

3. Corduroy by Don Freeman

Oh. So. Cute! This is a very sweet short story for children. 

4. Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

If I'm honest, I haven't read this book for years. But I do remember getting it from the library as a child and loving it. So fun.

5. We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury

Well, whaddya know? Another kids' book! This one is a classic. Too funny, and the kids really like it . . . and so do I!

Hope you enjoyed it. Go check out the FFF party; it's sure to be a lot of fun!


  1. Ooh, fun!! It's great to see your top 5 vintage reads. :) Did you enter the giveaway?

    1. Yes, I've entered. :) Though I've already resigned myself to not win, I sure would love to win SIX BOOKS?!?!


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