Saturday, October 3, 2020

Dewdrops and Spiderwebs

    Happy Saturday, all! This morning, when reading my daily Scripture passage, I was reminded to be thankful in all the little things. When you consider all God's made, you are astounded that God has so much love He even cares about the birds of the air (Matthew 6:26), even when they are but seemingly insignificant specks in this great big universe. He cares about even the smallest things. 

   I was turning this concept over and over in my brain this morning when I opened the front door and breathed in the crisp, fresh air of a new day. Fog hung low over the trees, and rainy mist fell from the heavens and kissed the dewy ground (I know, that probably sounded kind of silly, but I'm a poet, so . . . *wink*). I hung around outside, admiring the tiny delicate droplets on the blades of grass and the spiderwebs. The many spiderwebs. Random question: why do all the spiders wait until it rains to make their webs? When I went outside this morn, I counted over three of them on one tree. If I remember correctly, I think I saw about ten webs within the scope of the front yard. Where do they all come from?? 

   To get back to the point, it struck me that even among the chaos, unrest, and complications of this world, there's still plenty of little joys --intricate displays of jeweled webwork, so to speak-- if only you take time to notice and appreciate them.

   I have a "dewdrops and spiderwebs challenge" for any of you who have a blog. Call it an unofficial tag (it's similar to the "simple things" tag) or what you please; it's for anyone who would care to take me up on it. 


1. Give 3+ examples of "dewdrops and spiderwebs" . . . little things you like that don't get noticed much (if at all).

2. Include pictures . . . or don't. Whichever you prefer.

3. Include a passage from the Bible that talks about something "insignificant" being taken care of by God. (I know you can do it. Can't find a passage? Look in Psalms!)

4. Tag at least one person (? I don't even know it this is a real tag. I just made it up).

4. Include this graphic (if you want to). 

Well, there you go. Can't wait to see if anyone accepts the challenge. I've never made a tag of any sort before. For the record, if this becomes a real tag, you can choose to attribute it to me or not. I don't mind either way.


  1. Love this, Martha!!! I'll plan on doing it sometime!!!

  2. What a GREAT idea! I totally want do this! Maybe after I finish my (daily) posts for the FFF party next week?
    Thanks for the beautiful reminder. ❤

    1. Yay! Sure! Can't wait to see what you do with it!


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