Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

    Some people get cards for Valentine's day. Some get chocolate. Others (like me) are given balloons.

   Well, we got something unexpected this year. No doubt many of you have gotten it as well. Where I live, it isn't as common. Can you guess what I'm talking about?

Lots of snow!

The seeds in our bird feeder have gotten snowed in!


Our girl pup eats the snow. She was practically inhaling it!

   What's your favorite way to warm up after romping in the snow?

   Mine is sitting by the wood stove and snuggling into a blanket with a warm drink. It's the best!

   A-a-and moving on! I got caught up talking and almost forgot the real purpose for this post! But snow worries, I've remembered. ;) 


   Wishing you a happy and warm Valentine's Day!

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