Monday, January 18, 2021

Book Review: Firmament #1: Radialloy

   This book was . . . interesting. I guess I didn't really know what to expect when I opened to the first chapter. Okay, I expected a sort of nerdy, cliché space western or something. 
   Ha. Ha. Ha.

   I'm going to be honest . . . while I greatly enjoy many books, very few actually instill an edge-of-your-seat excitement in me. I can wiggle in my seat in anticipation; I can hold my breath and begin reading faster to see what will happen; but rarely do I genuinely feel any form of anxiety during a book scene. 

   Well! There's a first time for everything, right?? I won't deny it . . . this book had more than one scene in which I started scooting forward in my chair, my eyes widened, and I actually felt my heart rate increase. I will just tell you that this book has more than its share of intense scenes, chases, captures, deceptions, and science-y stuff I loved but did not really understand. Like the scene when Commander _____ tells her he's ____ _______ and then turns around and . . . . ! Okay, I can't say anything else, or I'll spill the entire plot! 

   I'll just say this: if you enjoy a good sci-fi, a creative plot with twists and turns, and a book that has a feeling similar to that of Star Trek (space exploration), then go read this book!!

Radialloy (Firmament #1) by J. Grace Pennington

Sensitive content: use of the word "fool," some violence

Age recommendation: 12+

My rating: 5 stars  

   Okay, I need to note here that I personally rate it as 5 star. I found it well-written, engaging, creative, and very unexpected. However, due to some psychological content and other aspects, I would say this may not be for absolutely everyone. For instance, those who dislike confusing, technological things may not like it too much. But for those who don't mind a bit of space tech and a science-y mindset (again, like Star Trek), this book is pretty good! (I'm not by any means a "tech-y" person, but I thought it was very interesting.)

   Anther thing . . . there is a definite Christian overview to it. The MC (main character) is a Christian herself, and there is a brief motion toward the gospel and what it means to be saved. I appreciated that. And since I'm on this topic, I may as well note that, as I previously mentioned, the word "fool" is used a few times in the book; the MC uses it to describe her own lack of inattention a few times and the bad guy (not saying who!!!) uses it because . . . well, because he's a bad guy!

   Yeah, anyway . . . there's not much more I can say without having to zip my lips shut in an attempt to not exclaim about that intense scene where she ____ed the guy who turned out to be her _______! I did not see that coming!



P.S. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the cover?? Thank you.


  1. Loved this review!! This is on my TBR, and I now I want to read it even more!!!

  2. Annnd... can I just take a moment to appreciate this review? Thank you. 😄

  3. I just finished reading this book, and it was so good!! The first science-fiction novel I ever picked up, and I was not disappointed. Thanks for the review; I probably wouldn't have downloaded Radialloy if it hadn't been for you. :) I look forward to making my way through the rest of the series! <3


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