Saturday, September 26, 2020

There Goes the Rain/ Going Ballistic Update

    Good afternoon, friends! I am pleased to report that sunshine still exists and that behind the clouds, the sun is shining; believe me even though you can't quite make it out. (Yes, that's from the song "Behind the Clouds.") While I do like rain, I enjoy the sight of sun peeking tentatively around the cloud's fluffy shoulder to reassure me it's still there. And guess what else? The sky's still blue! Eeks! The "nice" weather (top three pictures) can turn into "summer weather" (bottom three) very quickly indeed!


   and after.

And now about Going Ballistic. I've gotten people-- *ahem ahem* you know who you are --asking me to put up more of Going Ballistic. I'd been thinking I could quietly stop putting up more snippets, but when you faithful readers ask for more, I hate to refuse. So I will be putting up at least one more chapter . . . and maybe two . . . and maybe three, but no promises. I love it when you all love my stories. It's such an encouragement. So . . . keep your eyes open, and hopefully I'll have some snippets on here soon.

How's your weather? Does it look like autumn yet, or is summer being stubborn and hanging on as long as possible where you are?


  1. Yay! More snippets. 😍😍😍 ((Can't wait! ❤))
    And yep, autumn is definitely here!

    1. Ah, Ellen, your encouragement is such a blessing. It motivates me when I know that people do care what I put up. :)

  2. Ugh, SUMMER IS SOOO Stubborn, my sister and I went bike riding yesterday.
    DEATH BY HEAT, I'm tellin' you.

    1. *laughing* Just after I put this post up, the weather forecast announced that we're supposed to get a spot of heat in the 80s this week! *shaking head*

    2. In the middle of summer we get like 117 where I am!
      Now its lower, maybe in the ninety's?
      We loveeee when its nice out, and it is! (WHEN YOU WAKE UP AT 4 IN THE MORNING)

  3. Nice pictures. We've had nice weather lately. A little cool for my liking, but pretty nice overall.

    1. I kind of like the transition form heat to cold. Gives me an opportunity to make use of those jackets hanging up in the closet. Poor things must think I've abandoned them. :D

  4. Those pictures are so pretty!!!! Especially the "after" ones . . . <3


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