Saturday, September 5, 2020

Life Update

    So sorry I haven't been around much, but with the new school year starting up and summer drawing to a close, I'm going to be too busy to post as often as I had been. Never fear, though; I'll do my best to post at least once a week. 

      I've got exciting news. I'm participating in a short-story writing contest over at Andi's Blog. And the TOP FIVE have been listed just today. Go on over and check it out! Read those fantastic stories and vote for your favorite! I can't wait to see who will be crowned the two winners. 

   We're also planning on taking a trip again! (Hooray for road trips!) I personally love long drives, complete with forested roads, sack lunch, a few precious books, and a backpack resting on your feet. Here's to hoping I get some splendid pictures to share with you all. So stay tuned! 

   Also, I've got a request. I know I don't have too many people visiting my blog yet, but I have got something for those of you who do and have published a book before! I've got a request that goes something like this: if you would, comment below and tell me how (and through what process) you got your book published. If you are willing to share that information with me, I'd be appreciative. I'm exploring the idea of self-publishing a book within the next few years (if I can), and I'd love to know what options are out there. Thanks!




  1. My brother and I self-published our first book this spring through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). We used Rebekah A. Morris's How To Self-Publish course, which was extremely helpful. It would have taken us much longer to figure out how to do everything, and we probably would have made more mistakes too, without her help. But as it was, it was relatively easy and fun! (That's not to say that it isn't work, of course. ;) ) I also like KDP because we didn't have to put any money down, except paying for our proof copy (which was less than $10) and buying author copies once we were done (which can be purchased for the print price plus shipping and there is no minimum purchase amount). Overall, it was a great experience and I would do it again!
    Hope this helps! :)

    1. Ooh, that does! Thanks, Leona! I'll try to keep that in mind!

  2. So great to hear from you again, Martha! And I totally get the busyness of school life. ;)
    I published my first book, In His Hands, through It's a great website, easy to navigate, and perfect if you simply want to publish a book for just you, your family, and a select few friends to read, instead of making it for public sale on online bookstores. (Mrs. Marlow gives step-by-step instructions for using in her book, Writers Roundup.) Then, when I published The Whispers God Gives this past year, I used Amazon's KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), same as Leona. :) I highly recommend looking into both of these self-publishing sites!
    Hope this helps! <3

    1. Oh, I know! It just gets b.i.z.y. :)

      Yes, I've heard of It's been recommended to me and I am considering trying it out.

      I'm hoping to somehow self-publish but still "get out there" . . . into bookstores and onto people's shelves. :) I know that sounds huge, but that's what I'm writing my book for-- to have people read it!

  3. p.s. Long road trips are one of my very most favorite things in the world. ;)

  4. Congratulations!

    As far as publishing, I'd recommend that you look up CJ and Shelley Hitz. While they do have resources that are only available through subscription, they have a lot of free resources as well, like a podcast for writers that I have found extremely helpful!

  5. I used . It's great if you want to publish books for your family or like that. You can also publish and get ISBNs and all that fancy stuff, but I have not used that yet.

    1. Huh. I just checked it out. That looks like it may be a good idea! Thanks, Lilly!


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