Friday, August 7, 2020

The "Simple Things" Tag

And now for the second tag of my blog. The "Simple Things" tag! This one looks like fun!! Alrighty, here goes!

The Rules:

1) Link back to the person who started the tag and thank them.
   I think that's CamilleThank you very much!

2) Link back to the person who tagged you and thank them.
And that is Abby Elissa! Thanks bunches, Abby!

3) Use the graphic. Yep, I've got it right up there!

4) List five simple things that make you happy (with pictures).
Yep, coming right up!

5) Tag three people.

6) Remind everyone to be joyful with the little things!

(All of these photos except for #3 and #5 were taken by me.)

#1 Fuzzy socks! So cozy, and they get a lot of use from me!

#2 Kittens! Yes, I'm a cat-lover! There's few things that make me as happy as babies do. And that includes baby cats, of course! And yes, these cuties in the picture were ours for a time.

#3 Books! Books, books, books! I think one of the most beautiful sights is a cozy library filled with giant bookcases laden with great works of literature, complete with stuffed armchairs and maybe a window seat. Oh, and that pretty, old-fashioned lamp over there. 

Free history book Images, Pictures, and Royalty-Free Stock Photos ...

#4 Cherry Blossoms! I think there is few sights in spring prettier than an drive lined by cheery trees all dressed up in their delicate wedding gowns. (I even wrote a poem about it. Hmm, maybe I should put that up sometime?)

#5 Baby booties! Seriously, how many things do you know of that are sweeter than seeing newborn baby feet? And the wee little booties/sockies that cover them are just precious. They're so small!

ᐈ Ballerina baby shoes stock images, Royalty Free booties photos ...

   As I was writing down my answers for this tag, I kept changing my mind . . . because as it turns out, there are so many "little things" to be thankful for! I had a rather hard time deciding which ones I wanted to include. It's impossible to place a limit of five on all the blessings God has given us! It isn't until we stop and take time to actually look that we see that all those "little things" we take for granted are more meaningful than we realize! 

   And now for the tagging! I'm not sure who all has already done this tag, so if I tag you and you have already done it, feel free to ignore this . . . unless you want to do it again! There's never a shortage of our "little" blessings!
I tag , and . . . and . . . my goodness, I don't know who else hasn't done this tag yet. So . . I tag anyone else who would like to do it! I don't know who you are, but you do, so here you go; you're tagged!

Wow, that was a lot of fun! 



  1. Loved reading this!! <3 It's one of my fav. tags. :)

  2. Awww, I'm so glad you did this one!! I enjoyed hearing your "little things"!! And, yes, you should definitely share that poem... <3
    This was beautiful, girl!

    1. Okay, you've convinced me. The poem is going up now! :)

  3. I love how you write your blog posts. SO cute! Also, I agree with the books and babies! :D

  4. Great post!!!! I’m so glad more then one person took my tag!!!!! 😁😁😁

  5. Aw, this is a great list, Martha! <3


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